Monday, July 16, 2012

corruption great friend to poverty

corruption has been a disease that spread with no notice from the western countries,and silently introduced to what was formally known as "the black continent" Africa,it was brought to make it easy for exploitation of natural resources that would be used as raw materials in the western imperalist industries,nothing has changed from time it was introdeced in pro independence and it is still being used to exploit my continent to date.with all that its time every one among us to take a chance because what is going on(poverty)is an out come of corruption so take chance and stand against corruption!!!!!say no to corruption
lets join our hands against poverty!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

wat r human without ozone,it luks lyk in future we wont let our faces veiw da sun,wat do u thnk we can do??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!